Wilhelmina TCT Sex Requests From Alec NO WAY!
Wilhelmina TCT Edge Sports sex requests from dirty sob Alec Corporate Office

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I have been working in the Orlando Corporate office for about 4 months now. I cant believe the sh*t that goes on in our corporate headquarters.

A few weeks back me and my friend that got me this job went over the Edge building to meet up with a few friends for lunch. This guys whos some kind of big shot named Alec walked by us and gave us a look. Five minutes later we found our friends and went towards the elevator and saw Alec again just standing next to the elevator eating a pie. This time he asked me and my friend if he could have a word with us.

We went into his big office while we had little cubicle that 3 people shared. He started to ask us some questions like what is your ideal job or what do you see your self doing in the future.

Then I left and my friends stayed in his office and talked to him for a little longer. She came out and we went to lunch and she told me that Alec wants us to come in tonight to talk about advancement with this company.

I thought this was a little strange and I decided that I was not coming back to the office at 10pm.

Later on that night my friend said she is going back to the office and if I was sure I did not want to come with her. I said yes I am sure I dont want to go.

She left and I was a little curios, so I jumped in my car and headed over to Wilhelmina Building. I walked in the building (which is never closed) and I heard some noise coming from upstairs. I started walking upstairs and in the stair ways I found these XXXL blue Orlando Magic shorts which smelled. I heard some noise coming from the conference room and as I walked closer I heard Whos your daddy, whos your daddy.

I peeked into the conference room and found Alec naked on top of my friend who you can only tell by the tattoo on her ankles her because she was covered by Alec.

Well I just cant and will not let that fat sweaty arab rub himself on top of me just to get a promotion! I have pride, something this company knows nothing about.

Company: Wilhelmina TCT Sex Requests From Alec NO WAY!
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 1701 Park Center Drive, Oralndo, FL 32835
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