American Dail-tone / Izoom Internet Services
American Dail-tone / Izoom Internet Services did'not recieve lifeline discount order internet services feb6,09 com. Disconnect service before usedcalled many of times assure the matter will be taken care no credit to my acct

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The government sent me a lifeline package for phone services which i choose American Dial-tone with this company you suppose to get 15 days free services which i didn't Jan 31 service were connect 2 days later a bill received in the mail bill due on the 15Th receive bill feb 2, call company to change date due to a governor program knows that ssdi receive benefits on the third of the month according for this to be change i need to pay 25.00 to change the date to the third of the month, also sent a $4:50 money order for Internets service Feb 6 izoom receive the money order on Feb 9 7to 10 days i receive the izoom cd installed Cd no connection call many of times talk with izoom on Fri march 6, i was told on Feb 25 my phone company disconnect my services and he also stated this were very strange due to i had not use the services call the company Monday the 9 of march the agent [they do not give their name even if you ask for their name i like to know who iam talking to if i have to repeat information] he said we are working on the problem now i told him i will not hang up izoom told me not to hang up that the company has done this to many of their customers, my problem is with this company you disconnect my service 0n the 25 of Feb before i could use the services two days no service yet being calling can't get anyone need to drop this service off my account and to be credit $4:50 for Feb, and $4:50 for march i stayed on the phone today from 12:30 to5:55 no answer.

jupiter, Florida

Company: American Dail-tone / Izoom Internet Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Dunedin
Address: P.o. box 2203
Phone: 8779863425
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Century Link
2 Months And 2 Day Basic Telephone Services Cost Me $145.39. Piranas

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Enhanced Services Billing
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Qwest Telephone Cpmpany
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Stay away from this company!