Lying scam. Spells never worked and there is no money back guarantee. Beware

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In September I decided after some extensive online research to utilize WitchesCorner's services. When I at first called their 'offices'.. What should have been a red flag to me was the extremely loud television in the background and their young 'receptionist' who was eating something like chips when I spoke to her. When asked questions about the spellwork she replied she knew nothing about it and would have to ask Marisa on my behalf and get back to me..

Despite the odd conversation I went ahead with the email consultation and 'Marisa' responded back with her 'advice' and things went underway. I paid her the $300 and sent her emails about my situation... She replied back to my emails in a 24-hr period as stated with things for me to do at home in order for the spell to work. AT FIRST.

After awhile she began to answer my emails 3-4 days later, and than began to complain that she could not answer my emails everyday because she had other clients. THIS IS NOT WHAT HER WEBSITE STATES.

I began to get suspicious with the sudden Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde behavior so I checked some other websites out and found out witchescorner is a scam (which I later found out on my own..) and immediately emailed Marisa wanting my refund.

She replied within the 24hr period (what a surprise) wondering why I was being so negative along with answering my 3 day old questions. BUT DID NOT ISSUE A REFUND.

I decided that maybe I was jumping to conclusions and that I should give her spellwork a chance despite the horrible reviews about her website. Her work is supposed to manifest within 3 days to 3 months and if it does not you recieve a re-cast or your money back...

I continually kept emailing Marisa about my situation and it's lack of improvement. She replied whenever she got around to it, I having gotten used to her lie about 24 hr responses and the truth that they are not true. At least for my situation since she has 'other clients'..

After doing what she asked me to do at home along with the 'spells' she had casted from her 'office' my spell did not manifest after a 3 month period. I asked for a refund and got no response. I sent several emails to Marisa and called her 'offices' and still received no reply.

I told Marisa that this so-called money back guarantee that her website exclaims in order to entice clients seems to be bogus and that I will be taking legal action against her in order to receive a refund. I also told Marisa that I don't want this to get ugly and rather to avoid a legal battle (which after talking to a few consultants, I am pretty sure to win) I'd rather she sent me back what was owed AS ADVERTISED.

To this day I have not received any email reply from Marisa or anyone representing Marisa business. I have not received a phone call or a reply as to why I am not eligible for a refund either. I have had no response from WitchesCorner since I requested a refund. Therefore I have been scammed.

I have kept EVERY UNALTERED EMAIL I sent to WitchesCorner and it's reply also UNALTERED since the beginning of our business transaction in order to have this 'business' shut down and to begin legal action. I've also had printed out the website's advertisements as they were when I conducted business with her in case she had decided to change the policy after I had requested a refund thus finding me at fault and ineligible.

Again, to this day, I have not received any reply to my emails from WitchesCorner regarding a refund or otherwise nor has any of her 'spells' worked. I also believe that she has either written her testimonials and/or had herself and her friends filmed as clients exclaiming their spells have worked for them in order to lure in consumers.

Please do not conduct business with this person. I am currently building a case and looking for others she has also 'burned'.

Company: WitchesCorner
Country: USA
Phone: 8888191015
Site: www.witchescorner.com
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Witchescorner.com, Marisa Witches Corner, Witches Corner, Marisa Witch Witches Corner.com is run by some greek guy that is mafia related. Here is his personal information along with "Marisa's" as well

Marisa Mascivic - Witchescorner
Cheated by Marisa. Not to be trusted!

Witches Corner
Marisa LIAR! Promises results with 100% money back quarantee! No results, no money back!

Witches Corner - Marisa
Witches Corner Marisa Did not provide her 99.9% accurate spells. Never return calls! Very bad customer service

Witches Corner. Marisa And John
Do not trust witches corner and dont buy any spell from them if you do you will loose your money and never hear from them again. Chicago illinois internet

Marisa-Witches Corner

False advertisement - 100% money back guarantee - NOT TRUE!

Marisa Schmidt WitchesCorner.com
Marisa Schmidt Of WitchesCorner.com Online Scam Artist, Manipulator of the weak, Sneak, Conartist, Liar Elk Grove Villiage Illinois

They stole my money and never give my money back! Chicago Illinois

Marisa mille