Sun Valley Towing
Rip Off

Shops, Products, Services

Ok... I wish i would of known to read all of these reports about this lame guy... He is the dirtyist and nastiest thing i ever saw... Ok i went to the interview and like the girl said on the toehr report how it looked... It was waaay in the back on 40 ave and you walk into this room and its nothing but junk... You have to go up the stairs and open the door whichj smelled like cigaretts it was nasty smell... Then all he did was make fun of other people and talk about everyone and how they are broke and what not... So i ignored it because of the econimy right know yeah i took the job with two kids i need the money right know. So i worked thursday and friday and saturday at a auction. Then went in monday and he said for me to call because he might be out of town which i did i called the WHOLE week and he ignored me and the other girl that started with me... So we got on the internet and found out all this stuff about him its CRAZY!!! Well I went in yesturday to get my stuff there and he said he would have the checks done thursday after noon and i told him ill be back he said no because he was going to be out of town i told him no i want my money i have two kds to feed and cloth plus diapers and he goes no wait for it in the mail... I HEARD THAT BEFORE so i know im not going to get my check i think i worked like 30hours so yeah it sucks i wish we could do something about him because this is so LAME expically with people with kids im 20 years old and it sucks because i just want my money... We need justice for this ridicouls nasty dirty minded punk...!!!

phoenix, Arizona

Company: Sun Valley Towing
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 4014 W Van Buren St
Phone: 6024429200
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Scentura Creations, WMI
Scam... Scam... Scam... Dont believe it, its a waste of time!

Working for the company almost month got fired cause someone that i had interview, befor i got paid cause of personnel position i think this company is a ripoff and sucks. They fired me

Carnival Cruise LINES
Sucks! Ripoff

I-65 Chevron
Ripoff with holding paycheck dishonest management and ownership ripoff

Dragon Creek Carriers
Farmington, MN DRIVERS BEWARE! Do Not Work Here!

Empire Promotional Wholesale
Big rip-off! Project in progress and Larry Hahn is a joke, he doesn't exsist and nor does the company that they promise you to get rich off of

Bob gaber
G group scam... Ripoff

Mobile Home Parts Store
This Company is taking People's Money, and not getting them their Items

Disney Channel
Please show the old Disney shows back on Disney Channel - Disney Channel

Bill Heard Chevrolet
Ripoff one in three prizes affiliated with wsn who is also a lame company