Rhapsody Book Club/NRA Collections
Never had account with them

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Today at 8 am I get a call at my Unlisted Unpublished Phone Number from a Collection Agency Called NRA. Asked how they got it, rudely said they are a collection agency they can do what they want and have access to that private information, yeah right I think they called my neighbors until someone gave it up thinking it was important.

So they tell me they are calling in Regards to a outstanding bill with Rhapsody Book Club for $73 and some change. I know I have never been a member of a book club and I never order things in my married name only as my legal name is my maiden and married name hyphenated that was the first clue something was amiss, then he tells me the names of the books and when they were ordered I can for a fact prove one of the dates I was hospitalized in the ICU for 10 days because I remember that hospitalization well. I dont do book clubs they are a rip-off why pay when there is a public library. He wanted me to pay this bill right then and there and I told him its not my bill I will not pay it, he said he will send a letter out confirming the debt and it will affect my credit. I told him that it is NOT mine and send the letter but the answer will be the same its not mine and I am not paying it period.

I cannot find a phone number for this company to talk to anyone about it, what is a person to do when these companies do these things to innocent people. I live in a community where someone could order these things and when they arrive easily take them off my doorstep which has happened in the past my perfect credit is about to be ruined by something that is not mine and I cannot find out if there is a Statute of Limitations on this type of debt in the State of VA.

Company: Rhapsody Book Club/NRA Collections
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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