BankCard Empire - HBO Media
Total rip-off, no refunds, do not disclose name of company when telemarketing Arizona

Shops, Products, Services

This is a real scam. I am reporting them to the Florida Attorney General as FTC regulations require that any telemarketer must disclose the name of the company, they only say we are affiliated with Visa/Mastercard and that HBO Media is a division of HBO, both not true. I tried to cancel the following morning but no luck so I am disputing it with Mastercard, no luck so far. Do not do business with this company, You will regret it!!!

WilliamN. Fort Myers, Florida

Company: BankCard Empire - HBO Media
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: Osborne St
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Bankcard Empire
Bankcard Empire RIPPED OFF by Bankcard empire Visa Card/Mastercard, self employment scheme Tempe Arizona

Bankcard Empire
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Bankcard Empire
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Consumer Report

Bankcard Empire
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