Nicole Chandler
Scammed me for 2000.00

Shops, Products, Services

This isn't about Keen but an advisor that is on Keen. Nicole said she could help me with my situation. Said she was a healer and that she was 99.9 percent accurate and if I didn't work she guarenteed my money back. The second night she called and asked for 250.00 because of a blockage was more than she expected. Didn't think nothing about the money at this time. The third night she called she told me that there were things that were a life or death situation. Of course I trusted her because at this time my son and his girlfriend had a early baby that wasn't breathing on his own and had to lifeline him to a childrens hospital. That's all I could think about. She said she needed 2000.00 dollars so I paid it. She told me it would protect my grandson and family (people around me). Of course at this time I was really frightened about what had happen to my grandson wondering if he was going to make it or not. This was all I had to my name. My life savings. I'm single about to lose my job and house. I trusted her in a time of need. The fourth night she called she told me that this wall was really big and in order to protect my family she would need another 3000.00. I was scared but, I did not give her that and told her that I was done with it. She kept calling trying to get me to at least give her a 1000.00 but I told her no that I was done with this. Then she said she would take a bonus on keen for 500.00 that all she wants to do is help me. Yeah, help. Help me lose my house and my life. It really put me in a depression to where I really thought about committing suicide but couldn't do it. Now that I had asked her for at least half of it back, she said she would work with me that she didn't have to give me anything back. Since that last talk she has changed her profile on Keen. I wouldn't have reported her because I was just going to let things go but now that I have seen that she did change her profile and who knows what I feel different about it. I don't want anyone else have to go through what I did with her and get scammed.

Knightstown, Indiana

Company: Nicole Chandler
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: College Station
Address: 907 Foster Ave
Phone: 9797034098
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Ingenio, Advisor Nicole, Veruska18 BEWARE of these Women! Very Dangerous! Internet

Keen psychics are a rip-off
Psychic SCAM Rip Off People nationwide

Keen Psychics
Psychics are the most unethical people! Ripoff
Fraudulent psychics Internet

Cheated of $3000 by Keen Psychic LA

Grace Carrington/Heathers Healing Light/Ask Lillian
Grace Carrington is several people and a mentally unbalanced person
I am an advisor on keen, but not living in the united states they are not paying me for my work on keen and refuse to give me an explanation other than check is in the mail and postal system to blame. NOT GETTING PAID Internet psychic advisor scam... Buyer beware! Internet

Keen Psychics
Not providing the corporate number, False predictions per Psychics