J D Marvel Products, Inc
J D Marvel Products rip-off Champlain

Shops, Products, Services

I ordered 2 bras and enclosed a check for $17.98 on Jan. 28. The ad said should receive them in 2-5 weeks. It has been 6 weeks! Have not received my order!!

Company: J D Marvel Products, Inc
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlain
Address: Dept. 721-109 Box 2170
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J.D. Marvel Products
J.D. Marvel Products rip-off business

Jdmarvel products
JD marvel products ripoff

J.D. Marvel Products Inc
J.D. Marvel Products rip-off New York

J.D. Marvel Products Inc
J.D. Marvel Products rip-off

J.D. Marvel Products, Inc
J.D. Marvel Products is a ripoff. They got my money, I got nothing

J.D. Marvel Products, Inc
J.D. Marvel Products Inc. Ripoff. Cashed check Never received items consumer rip-off fraud

Jc Marvel Products (aka Jd Marvel Products)
Rip-off, dishonest lia

J D Marvel Products, Inc
JD Marvel Products, Inc aka Doc Marvel consumer rip-off fraud

J D Marvel Products
JD Marvel Products ripoff I ordered bras on 6/2/03 and have not received them I heard a comsumers reporter on TV saying this is their practice they cash check and don't send the product

J.D. Marvel Products, Inc
J.D. Marvel Products order paid for 3 months ago deceptive company which advertises deliver in 2-5 weeks. BUT, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!"