DiamondCreek Candles, Diamond Creek Candles
The real story with everyone dcc

Shops, Products, Services

1) the real story

2) Vicki thinks she is head honcho of any company and she really isn't anybody special

3) mary is really fugley and she never had any money nor did she ever contribute to anything as far as knowledgable things within dcc

4) terri was nice, pretty, but she use to be a exotic dancer that toured and done features. She is trying to break out of that special shell of nudity and build a business cannot change a stripper in better words to a housewife.

5) mary was always talking about the antidepressants and how she could never buy anything because of money she also hinted to borrow money from time to time

6) vicki always had a better than anyone attitude and so did Phyllis and Jill always kept crap going within the company Jill started so much crap it was unreal glad all those are gone

7) Jill downed the company for so long so I guess the harassers had to focus on someone new enter Terri into picture.

8) Jill focused in on Terri even though she was with DCC and she was with another company

9) Phyllis did everything for the company just like Terri did and then got ran out of the company by harassers.

10) Vicki claimed the candles came from China and told everyone this just because she has a adopted kid from China got stuff started

11) mary was on message board and leaked out all Terris info to everyone so they could call and harass her

12) they fed all health problems, sexual problems onto everyone else

13) Terri gave Mary leads and mary turned around and gave them to me and we laughed about it because we didn't like Terri she was taking over the board and signing people up left and right

14) mary is a lonely woman that wants drama in her life evyerday because she doesnt have money for anything else

15) vicki is fake fake personality fake style fake hair, fake everything

16) terri is fake just by her looks you can tell she has been to plastic surgeon she is a fake barbie doll fake fake fake

17) we all went behind terris back from teh beginning and then when someone started liking her then all hell came loose and the lies started coming and backstabbing

18) jill said recently to quit harassing terri and let it go but mary didn't want to

19) I am sick of this i am with a great company now

20) I am gone i hope everyone else get s a life and quit being so jealous

$ i am head pee wee $ the only pee wee $

Company: DiamondCreek Candles, Diamond Creek Candles
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Site: www.diamondcreekcandles.com
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Diamond Creek Candles
Here is what is really going on with eveyrthing!

May Prantil
Mary Prantil fake

Terri's Consignment
Terri Bowersock or Linda Vincent Terri refuses to pay earned employee bonusus

Terri Willings
Dead beat mother

Terri's Consign & Design - Arizona
Terri's took my furniture in Spring sold it and never gave me any money

Terri Ballinger Manager At Allsup's 098
I apply for work at 2 stores, 10yrs previously worked for Allsup's, Terri Mgr., Mgrs. Ask her, I don't get hired. Discrimination

Terri's Consign & Design Furniture
Terri's Consign & Design Furnishings Terri's Still N Style Fashion & Home Decor Consigned furniture with Terri's - to be paid in 30 days - has been 70 days and no payment. Multiple calls have yielded no results, except that we've been put on the 'list'

Terri Sheridan
Consumer Report

Mary Armstrong
Scam artist - fraud - bad checks - do not do business in any way with mary armstrong

Mary J Hegar, Glendon Butle
Consumer Report