Total Merchant Services
Scam artists, poor lousy customer service, incompetent, do not do business with them Basalt Colorado

Shops, Products, Services

Do not do business with these people!!! Extremely unethical business practices!

If there are any lawyers reading this, i would like to know what I can do to get my money back from them.

This is the worst company I have ever had the misfortune of doing business with. Wish I had read complaints before i started doing businees with them!

I owned two retail stores - closed one location over two yrs ago. After a routine audit, i learned Total Merchant Services has continued to deduct $30 a month 'minimum fee' charge from my business account up to this day!

When i called, they said i never closed the account. I had told the local rep to close my account at the time i closed the store. I also sent a fax to Total Merchant Services. They claimed they never got the fax. I said it was obvious there had been no activity on that store's account for over two years - the person on the phone kept saying over and over that i didnt close the account and had no interest in hearing my side of the story.

I sent another fax, a 4 paragraph letter explaining this. 4 weeks later, after not getting a response, i called them again and they said they never got that fax either. HOW CONVENIENT! I can prove the fax went through to them.

Even though this was a different CSR on the phone, she did the same thing to me - quoting policy ad nauseaum and telling ME i never closed the account. She kept interrupting me and didnt want to hear my side of the story. She told me I had to fax them a letter. Yeah right!

I sent a certified letter to them. Surprise - they finally respopnded. They closed that account and charged me an early contract cancellation fee of $99. This is for an account that I had closed, following THEIR procedures, TWO YEARS AGO!

They won't even consider giving me a refund.

I should have known this company was screwed up from the beginning. My first week's credit card charges disappeared - the money was never deposited into my account. I was told by them that I had to re-enter all the charges. Fortunately for me, my business is a high-end, low-volume custom design services company. I had every customer's name, address and phone. I spent two days re-entering the credit card charges and calling my customers to tell them what happened. I didnt want my customers to think I was ripping them off.

A week after I re-entered all the charges, the ORIGINAL transactions went through! I had to go back and issue refunds, because Total Merchant Services REFUSED to take any responsibility for this. And then I had to call my customers back AGAIN, telling them they were double-charged and I was fixing the problem. If I did not have my customer contact info, this would have been a nightmare and destroyed my reputation as a legitimate business.

I have wasted over 40 man-hours on this company trying fix problems they have caused.

They owe me over $700 in bogus charges. I am filing complaints with my state's consumer protection office, the better business bureau, my state's chamber of congress and my local small business organizations.

This is the first time I have ever written a complaint about a company. Their practices are so unethical, their employees are so poorly trained (of perhaps well-trained if you are the owner) and they have angered me so much, that I had to write this complaint.

Jersey City, New Jersey

Company: Total Merchant Services
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 255 Gold Rivers Ct, Basalt, Colorado 81621
Phone: 8888486825
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Chad Internaational
Unauthorized charges, False statements, Charges after closing a business, Refuse to close an account, Charges against bank account after closing business

Total Merchant Services
No Customer Service, No Call Backs, No Money Deposited, Can't Get Anyone On The Phone ripoff

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Stole $770 from my business bank account

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Total Merchant Services REFUSED to return my calls or deposit my $ into my bank for over 60 days!

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Total Merchant Services
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