Wizard Of Claws
Mistreated abused and ripped off

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MYWizard of Claws sold me a female papillion puppy in July.in November my puppy, Tara went blind. Within 2 weeks she died.

My contract with Wizard of Claws stated that I had a one year guarantee on congenital and heriditary defects, however I had to use their veterinarian, Dr. Jan Bellows, who's specialty is dentistry.

I abided by the terms of our contract, spent over $2,500.00, $1,000.00 of which went to their veterinarian and the remaining to specialists their vet referred me to. The eye specialist could not determine the cause but was sure it was neurological. The Neurologist determined just hours before her death by way of a cat scan that it was congenital hydrocephalus, and stated that the chance for survival was slim. Toy breeds are more likely to have this condition. My papillion was a little over 4lbs.

As the bills mounted, the harder it became to reach anyone at Wizard of Claws. After she passed away, they ignored me altogether. I had to have the neurologist hold her body from the time of her death on Dec. 2 until December 4 until I couldn't wait any longer for Wizard of Claws to return my calls.

I finally arranged for her cremation, and then went to Wizard of Claws and waited for the owners to return. Upon Jim and Gilda's return, Jim was very rude, insulting and hurtful. He screamed at me, tried to get me to leave and actually accused me of killing my own puppy, claiming that I could have slammed her head in a door or dropped her on her head, and told me that he has had people hurt their own puppies and then go back to him and try to hold him responsible.

I said that I would be surprised at what people do. While I sat there hysterically crying and begging him to believe me, his wife Gilda, his employees and a customer who was also going to buy a papillion from them.

Needless to say, the customer tore up the contract and left. This angered Jim even more and he then yelled at me for losing his customer.
cording to the contract, they should replace my puppy in the event of a congenital condition and pay for medical. They did replace my puppy with another beautiful little girl, however they refuse to reimburse any of my $2,500.00 and insist that they didn't even have to replace the puppy because there is no proof that it was congenital. The neurologist has even written a letter for me stating that it was.

I have tried to resolve this nicely with them and have gotten nowhere.

I recently hired an attorney to write them a letter however they still insist they didn't even have to replace the puppy for me as there is no proof that it was congenital. Dr. Bellows is apparently giving legal advise along with his expertise. If he is such an expert, why didn't he find it? Why did it take 2 weeks and the third doctor to determine what was wrong? I won't even go there.
Florida Statues include a pet lemon law. According to the statute, Wizard of Claws, cannot tell me what vet to use and they are responsible for the replacing the puppy and medical up to the cost of the puppy, $950.00.

Abiding by the contract, which I did, they do not limit the cost of medical. Jim told me that I should never have spent so much on a dog. This puppy was my baby. I have yet to look at her photos that I had developed. My mother told me they are adorable. I still cry when I think of her.

Those 2 weeks were the most difficult 2 weeks of my like. I slept on the floor with her, held her while she went through convulsions, cried and prayed.

Company: Wizard Of Claws
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Pembroke Pines
Address: 9113 Taft Ttreet
Phone: 9548856600
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Wizard Of Claws
Ripoff unethical, deceitful and cruel business practices

Wizard Of Claws
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Wizard Of Claws
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