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Warning, DO NOT ORDER from

I place the offer for everyone in my office that drinks K-cups. We fund this group ourselves so people get a little testy when they don't get their coffee and as the person who collects the money and orders the coffee, I feel the pain when it gets screwed up.

I placed an order for 13 boxes of a variety of K-cup coffee and tea with on 12/19/08. They filled it and charged my card on 12/19. On 12/23 they issued a tracking number for UPS delivery that showed UPS knew about the package but hadn't picked it up. They apparently then closed down for the holidays without actually handing my package to UPS. It was not given to UPS until January 2nd.

On January 6th I finally received the order that charged me for on 12/19. The order that their website indicated based on geography and the shipping I paid, I should have received on the 23rd or 24th of December. I placed 2 other coffee orders from 2 other sites that same day and they both arrived by the 24th.

Insult to injury, they were out of stock on 3 of the items I ordered (sounds like someone doesn't bother to maintain a current web site) and had the audacity to charge me for 2 of the boxes they didn't have. I have contacted them numerous times both by e-mail and voicemail have gotten no response to my issue and no credit to my account.

DO NOT get hooked by their great selection and reasonable prices & they aren't worth it. Stay away from!!!

Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Shoffee not responding to customer service inquiries
Beware of! Poor Customer Service or I should say "None at ALL"!
Product never sent, unable to contact via phone or email
Going Out of Buisness - Will Not Respond
Failed to issue refund. Does not respond to recent emails

Seattle Coffee Direct
Coffee, Free Offer, subscription

Cindy Fischaber
I sent back 3 orders of coffee which I did not order and they were supposed to credit my credit card and so far I have not be reimbursed. This coffee was sent back in May

Seattle Coffee Direct
Over Charging
Shipped coffee I didnt orde

Seattle Coffee Direct
Unauthorized charges