Premium Retail Services
This company sucks they screw employees over daily

Shops, Products, Services

Geraldine, I too have been screwed by this company repeatedly. I finally gave up and left this job. One reason they take so danged long on paying employees is the damned human element called the supposed pay roll department and their HR manager needs a brain transplant big time. They even screw over the RMs and I have a friend who was a former one who could tell you the hore stories regarding that. Her name is Linda Eisenbels spelling sorry.

Any ways story short I got accused of crap my twin identical twin brother pulled at a Walmart here, Walmart calls PRS corporate and poof there goes my lousy excuse for a job that wasn't even part time hours. It was $ tho so w/e but it sucks. Of all the merchandising firms I've worked with this one has got to be the worst.

Even the operator at corporate has an attitude problem and I can't tell you how many times she's raised her tone with me or hung up on me flat out. That lady needs psychological help big time. The execs do as well. It all boils down to money money money and we could care less about the people who get online weekly, drive god knows how many miles to and from stores doing our "dirty work" aka merchandising for us and our clients. ARG.

W/E piss and puke on you big time PRS. FYI I still know and am friends with a lot of the peeps at our Walmart here and my replacement is 10 times worse then I was at this job and the dept. Managers have had it up to here with your shoddy work and crap. I'm bout ready to call one of your biggest clients Sommerset entertainment and pull the plug on that contract, get you banned from all the Walmarts and more. I can and I will. I'm taking names and complaints and hiring an attorney see you in court a* holes.

Company: Premium Retail Services
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Chesterfield
Address: 618 Spirit Drive Suite 200
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Crossmark Merchandising LLC
The worst merchandising firm in the United States

Premium Retail Service
Cheats employees of hours

Stole my vacation time

No "hi" "bye" or "kiss my @$" - poor customer service!

Walmart customer service EQUAL HIRING!

Fired for no reason texas

WalMart Corporation
Ripoff Failed to ever send my W2's

Mileage/drive time and no way to take off time for illness, emergencies or vacation


Cheryl Condrey
Unjust firing of Walmart employees