, Inc has obviously gone

Shops, Products, Services has obviously gone the way of outsourcing their customer 2 separate instances I have received the worst service imaginable. The first incident occured when I was having a problem at checkout when my gift card balance was not being applied to my total. I used their call feature on their web site where they call you and put you on hold to call someone to help you (which really isn't calling me). I wanted to make sure that the credit was accepted into the system and due to the representatives lack of familiarity of the english language proceeded to tell me a number of other things I did not need to know. The most helpful thing she told me was that she could see that I had 2 items in my cart and the credit was being used for them. I had a total of 5 items in my cart so clearly there was a glitch somewhere. She did tell me that the credit was there... After 10 minutes on the phone, so I thanked her hung up and tried my order again later. When writing in to report my experience, I received a comical reply"I'm sorry to hear that you had an unsatisfactory experience with this call. However, I'm glad to know that you did not encounter the problem for the second time. "My next email to their customer service was simply to let them know that one of their Marketplace Sellers was not adhering to guidelines clearly posted on their web site. The seller shipped the item 9 days after the order was placed and their web site says that the order will be shipped within 2 business days. They think that I am complaining that my order isn't here yet, and give me the pat response that it takes up to 21 days. I respond that I understand the time it takes in transit, I am concerned that they have a Seller that does not adhere to what Amazon has clearly advertised. This is the reponse to that email: "I am sorry for any misunderstanding with the phrase on our website: "Sellers agree to ship within 2 business days of your purchase""Because that phrase is so easily misunderstood? If you know what you want and don't have to ever contact customer service then you will be fine, but if you ever feel the need to contact them... Try to be patient.

Company:, Inc
Country: USA
  <     >  

Seller: Andrew Galeucia Scam's you with a fake escrow account with Amazon
Non-Existent Customer Service

FCNB Speigel
FRAUDULENT BUSINESS PRACTICES consumer fraud ripoff The assessment of late charges in this instance will be nothing short of robbery, Inc
Awful, SLOW Service, NO support - TEXT BOOK

CIC Credit Reporting
Amazon is complicit with their fraudulent sellers. Will not process a refund rerquest if seller says they shipped

Worlds Savings Bank
Amazon marketplace Amazon advertised protection and rules DON'T APPLY to most purchases

Free shipping rip off

Amazon Marketplace Vendor 2ofus09
Dishonest internet selle