Global Crossings Telemanagement
SLAMMING company

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This company engages in illegal SLAMMING of accounts; that is, when they switch your long-distance company to their faulty account. I had an account with AT&T account. I have been with AT&T forever, long distance and local. Recently, I discovered my telephone wasn't working; i.E., I would dial certain numbers, and a fuzzy connection would entail, along with a man saying, "Your call cannot be completed."

I called AT&T, and to my utter shock and dismay, learned that Global Crossing SLAMMED me on October 10. I instructed AT&T to freeze my account. This is the second time this year that my account was slammed by unprofessional, bankrupt-bound companies such as Global Crossing. The other company is Americatel, which I have also reported.

If this happens to you, immediately call AT&T (or whoever you are with) and switch back, and tell them to FREEZE your account. That way, the slammers can't get through. Thereafter, file a Complaint with the FTC. Some states have their own jurisdiction, such as California, and you must file with a different entity (In CA, it's the CPUC). Take care of it. Companies like this need to be shut down and the government should issue punitive damages. The conduct is despicable.

Company: Global Crossings Telemanagement
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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