Finkelstein Realty
Robbed Shareholders Blind and Stole $218,000

Shops, Products, Services

This company was finally ousted by my co-op board as our managing agent for stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from us Shareholders. This so called company is inattentive to routine management aspects of the building and have been successfully sued by myself and other shareholders for various issues that resulted from them failing to maintain the property as they are supposed to.

They have been reported by our board to the Attorney General's office and other appropriate governmental authorities. They also own/manage a number of other properties and if you live in one, you should seriously have a forensic accountant review your books to see how much these greedy thieves stole from you!

Company: Finkelstein Realty
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Farmingdale
Address: 193 MARINE ST
Phone: 6317772010
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