Tower Video Services
Does not pay freelance services

Shops, Products, Services

This is a person who does not pay for services rendered regarding his his "i am a man of my word" speech it is clear that he is just the opposite. Be forewarned.

Company: Tower Video Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Lakeland
Address: Lakeland, Fl
Phone: 8638163076
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Freelance Work Exchange - Ccbill
Ripoff fraudulent extortion of money

Ccbill - Freelance Work Exchange
Ripoff failure to provide refund

Iconnect2it Does Not Pay For Services Rendered

Ruffolo Hooper & Associates
Billed for Services Not Rendered

Strategic Financial Services
Told me that I had to pay in advance Charged me for services never rendered

Aries Technology - Hemant Doshi
Ripoff fraud and non-payment of services rendered

Paul O'Neill / PC Earth
Hired me for Voice Over services and naver paid me

AT&T failed to shut off Internet service after repeated calls and a a letter to dis continue service

Domain Listing Service Corp
Sends a solicitation for domain listing services which appears like a bill for services rendered

Digital & Wireless Group
Ipoff dishonest delinquent, nonpayment for designer's services rendered