Premier Savings
Fraudulent ripoff business Scottsdale

Shops, Products, Services

Received a call on 5-14-03 from Premier Savings regarding low interest Visa for balance transfer. Rates as low as 4.5% to 9%. I was told it had a 97% success rate. Laura Phillips could not tell me who owned the company but gave me the name of Byron Gift. From reading other reports on Premier Savings it is clear they are sneaky and untrustworthy.

My phone has solicitation call block but somehow this one came through and I most surprisingly listened to her sales pitch. I wrote the information down that included the $279.00 fee, mainly because I had the pen and paper in front of me.

This is my first experience with the Rip off Report and I am excited to see the interest and concern people have for one another. I did not fall for the scam but see how easily one could... I swear by "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is" The call however found me interested enough to search them on the web and to my surprise I found you. I will pass this website on to my friends as; it is very consumer friendly.

Company: Premier Savings
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Scottsdale
Address: Scottsdale, AZ
Phone: 8002081914
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