Sunshine WIreless
T mobile dealor cheated me

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I wanted to take a mobile connection when I was in US. I had called this guy named Sunny Singh who is a T mobile dealer. I never knew he is a fraud. As he is a dealer of such a reputed T mobile cellphone, I trusted him and took a phone connection. He assured me that he will give me a 100$ mail in rebate for the cell phone. Also he assured me that he will cancel the phone whenever I want to cancel it as I told him that I am not sure when I will be return to India. After 3 -4 months of service, I never received the rebate. I had called this guy many a times. This guy sunny singh will never attend your call if you are calling for anything other than taking a new connection. The person attnds the call will tell that they are processing it and check after 2 hrs, 8 hrs and all. But nothing will happen. Finally I called the T mobile customer care and after a long argument and chat I got my Rebate.

Now a problem happened to me, my US visa got expired. I had to cancel my T mobile connection. I called up this guy when I was in US. Sunny Singh never attended my call. Whenever I asked for him, they told he is out for some things and all. But the person attended the call assured me that he will cancel my phone connection. But it never happened. Its almost 3 months over that I left US and still my phone connection is not yet cancelled. I am daily calling this Sunny singh for cancellation and everytime they tells that they have raised a request, will cancel in 8 hrs and all. Till now my connection is active and everymonth I am paying my T mobile bill.

I dont know how T mobile give licence to such Fraud agents like Sunny Singh who is not caring anything for customers.

Company: Sunshine WIreless
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
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