Jeff Rudek
Work with him and saw him riping people off. Playing with numbers and so he would get payed

Shops, Products, Services

Work with jeff for 3 years and he would play with the moistures numbers made them high, so he can put more equipment and the insurance company would pay him. He got his license suspensed in minnesota for ripe off. Then i heard he was going to court here in az and he license here maybe got suspensed so he closed shop and I heard that he moved to WA. And start a company up there. Maybe in someone else name how many time does it take to get this people not allow to open a buisness any more and stop riping people off!!!

Company: Jeff Rudek
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Mesa
Address: 1826 W Broadway
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Jeff rudek suspended from state to state know in washington!

Juan Rudek
John Rudek, John Rudeke, Juan Rudeke, Irena Rudek, Jeff Rudek JUAN RUDEK IS A FRAUD

Jeff Ben Mark from Idonesia also from Nigeria
Consumer Report

Jeff Rudek - AllStar Restoration - Top Gun Construction
Did not complete restoration job ROC involved still not doing anything Ripoff

Temple Terrece Homes - A And D Distribution - Jeff Hendricks
Temple Terrace Homes - A And D Distribution, Jeff Hendricks DO NOT TRUST THIS COMPANY! THOMASVILLE Georgia

Magic Jack
No conference calls on Magicjack

Jeff Scott Soto
JSS Jeff Scott Stoledoe, Jeff Scott Sort of, Jeff's Scott Soldout Jeff Scott Soto, JSS is a theif of intellectuall property

RPM Lansing
Jeff is low class

Jeff Nelson
Consumer Report

Jeff Peterson
Consumer Report