Kluger Marketing Group
False advertisement!

Shops, Products, Services

In THIS report it was mentioned that Paul Kluger was a dangerous man and he stabbed four people in Florida somewhere. I'm not sure if that is true because I have looked everywhere on various search engines trying to find that certain article.

If he was a dangerous man, how come he is a FREE man? So that is some rebuttal that I have about Mr. Kluger. I wouldn't necessarily say that he was dangerous.

Now business-wise I would say that he provided false advertisement. When I came in to interview, I sat in the 'reception' area for the longest time and there was a door to the working area that remained closed. People walked in and out mysteriously and I didn't know what it was they were doing.

When I interviewed with him, he was an extremely outgoing and perky person. He said that he makes lots of money and he promised that I could too if I got the job and they only promote within and my promotion depended on my performance. He told me he'd call me if i was cut out for the position so I could come in for a "second interview".

So that night I received the call from him and he said that I am definitely cut out for it and he asked me to come in on Thursday so I could do the second interview and see how his employees worked.

Thursday came around and I sat in the reception area again with 5 other people doing the same thing. Keep in mind that the whole time I thought that we were going to be sitting with his employees to see how the marketing business worked.

We were then lead back into his office and standing in his office were 6 of his employees. He assigned each employee to all of the second interviewers. He told us that if we had any questions to ask the person mentoring us for that day. I still had no idea what we were going to be doing.

Finally he ended his pep talk and we were lead out of his office and I followed my 'mentor'. I thought we were going to be lead in the long hallway of empty offices but instead I followed my person out of the office, into the elevators, and into her car. I asked her where we were going and she said that we will be marketing STAPLES to all the local businesses.

It turns out this was BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS type of marketing. She said it wasn't soliciting, but it TOTALLY was. I dressed up extremely proffessional that day; slacks, blouse, and HEELS! We walked around ALL day going business to business 'marketing' STAPLES/QUILL supplies to small businesses. She told them that it's cheaper if they buy from our client and that it gets delivered next day, etc.

The thing is Kluger doesn't mention AT ALL that this was a business-to-business type of job and he made sure not to tell us so the people wouldn't run away when they first hear it.

So I am sure if you stayed and did everything they say you're supposed to do, then YES, you can make lots of money.

But it is kind of like a pyramid scheme.

You start off as an "account executive" which is just someone who goes business to business. The way you get promoted is if you can sell consistently 8 sales a week.

Then you get promoted to whatever my mentor was (i forget the name of the position). The only way you get promoted after that is if you mentor 5 people who actually take the job and become an account executive all the while still selling a consistent of 8 sales.

But think about this: how many people are tricked into doing this and actually NOT want to do it because not a lot of people like solicitation?

I asked the person that was 'mentoring' me if she's ever had problems with people she mentors and she said that she's had to bring people back to their cars, she's heard people complain and make fun of what she's doing. So actually it's pretty difficult to recruit 5 people.

I am sure that their business isn't a scam but they do give false advertisement. So before anyone actually goes for that second interview, hope you guys are reading this... Because I went... And i was completely tricked! He told me to dress business proffessional and that's what I did and it killed my feet because I used shoes that weren't made for HIKING!

Company: Kluger Marketing Group
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: 4801 Woodway Dr. Suite #240E
Phone: 2817685432
  <     >  


Meriam Marketing Group, Paul Kluger, K.M.G., Kluger Marketing Group
Meriam Marketing Group - Paul Kluger - K.M. G - Kluger Marketing Group, CLOSE THIS OFFICE! Paul kluger is dangerous! Meriam Marketing Group - Paul Kluger - K.M. G -kluger marketing group, close this office! Paul kluger is dangerous!

Paul Kluger -Meriam Marketing Group - K.M.G. - Kluger Marketing Group
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