GE Money Bank - Lowes
Lowed my credit limit

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I received a letter from you lowing my credit with lowes I depend on lowes for all my lawn and gardening, and for all my appliances. You lowed my credit from $2,000.00 to $700,00,

I paid you timely each month, and i always paid more than the min amount with the economy being so bad I need to keep my credit limit of $2,000.00.

Will your bank receive part of the $700 billion dollar bail out, that sould trigger down to me (main street).
Is one of the larger banks buying you out. Please reconsider your decision, I am retired and I need this account for the above reasons

Company: GE Money Bank - Lowes
Country: USA
State: Alabama
City: Montgomery
Address: Eastern Blvd
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Lowered credit limit

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