MARCUS EVANS Summits Division
Torturous Amsterdam

Shops, Products, Services

Marcus evans as a company must be joined if you fancy making phone calls all day to earn a living. You are not just an average pesky tele-sales guy, but ur rather making calls to CEO or Presidents of MNC's and issuing ultimatums to them. Ur asked to be rude, lying and hard to people.

The interview by itself is an eyewash. Anybody who walks thru the door is going to be hired. No basic qualification or skills are needed. They will make you feel that they are expanding and need new people, but the truth of the matter is people quit or are fired everyday. There is absolutly no expansion happeng.

After the interview you will be put thru 3 days of training, wherein they apparently teach you the HOW TO SELL? They like to create something called urgency, which is just lying out n rite about wat ur sellg. According to them every person or company can spend millions of euros for an event by deciding in a jiffy. A thoroughly misconstrued, failing business model. The entire system works on FEAR-FEAR OF BEING FIRED. Those who dont fear it, QUIT.

Basically, no interaction is ALLOWED between colleagues except during your breaks. Reminds of primary schooling. No personal computers for each person. You share about 3 computers for 30 people. Your manager may guide you sometimes, but otherwise ur jus lost. The salary is just pittance and minimal as per law.

They may make you feel otherwise and give you a picture that everybody earns ard 100,000 euros. Hardly anyone does that. My advice-LOOK SOMEWHERE ELSE FOR A JOB!!!

karlsruhe, Georgia

Company: MARCUS EVANS Summits Division
Country: Netherlands
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THG, THG Worldwide AKA Marcus Evans
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Christopher Colaluca, The Capital Group, ARC International Concepts, CRC Advertising MISLEADING, DECEIVING, UNPROFESSIONALISM, MANIPULATION, BAD HYGIENE, STUPIDITY