Marcus Evans
Professional Scammers

Business & Finance

Please beware of this company and its scum like tactics. Everything about this company is shady. From its headquarters in Bermuda (search for it on google maps and it shows up as Hickory Stick which is a restaurant) probably to evade taxes, to its employees and management. Everything is crooked. They record phone calls without telling the other side - completely illegal. They tell you to massage the truth in a formal setting but tell you to outright lie in an informal setting. Its all about creating a false image and selling that. I keep reading “its sales, its sales, ” “sales is not for everyone, ” complete “rubbish”. This puts sales to shame. If you do some research you’ll realize other companies are selling the same conferences, Marcus Evans is just selling them for a higher price - effectively their main competitive advantage is their ability to create false value and sell that. If you call that sales then you should probably work at Marcus Evans and are a good fit. And thats the kind of people who work happily at Marcus Evans. Pretentious and empty. I was quite shocked when I saw some good reviews and then I realized that all the good reviews are by people who currently work at Marcus Evans which is obviously not from an objective point of view, but even then I was surprised because when I worked there I didnt know a single person who liked their job, they were working there because they had no other option. It’s like a modern day sweat shop that operates on probability. You make 12o calls per day multiply that by x number of employees which equals such and such profit. What’s strange is that this is a complaint board, yet there are positive remarks. I wont be surprised if Marcus Evans paid people to write these good reviews. Then I made an observation that most of the positive reviews are by email addresses or user names such as c005644 or www3322. This is a typical Marcus Evans strategy through which they disguise themselves. You will notice those unknown number calls. Why must such a prestigious organization hide their numbers. Too shady

Company: Marcus Evans
Country: USA
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Marcus Evans
Professional Scammers

Marcus Evans
The most terrible company I have worked in my life

THG - THG Worldwide - Marcus Evans - ICM - SMG
THG - THG Worldwide - Marcus Evans, ICM, SMG Employment Scam


Marcus Evans
Run not walk as fast as you can away from Marcus Evans! You have been warned

THG, THG Worldwide AKA Marcus Evans
THG Telemarketing Scam

Marcus Evans - THG Worldwide
Thg This company Marcus Evans THG is creating scam prevention conferences just to throw you off trail

Marcus Evans
The Real Story

Marcus Evans South Africa
To drunk to pay salaries Johannesburg