Unlimited Sales, Inc
Ripped me off

Shops, Products, Services

A young girl came to my apartment today and told me she was in a contest for money for school. She told me that by buying a magazine subscription she would get points. She said she was 2nd in the state right now and was really close to 1st.

So as a fool i bought her story and paid cash. About an hour after she left i started thinking about it and got on the internet to do some research on the company. Every thing i read about it is a scam. And it seems like its been going on for years. Has anyone ever got there magazines? If so please leave a comment.

Mind you after i paid her she offered me a position in this. I should have noticed right there something was wrong. So right now i feel like a damn fool. What a scam they have going on. Thats 54.50 i will never see again.

Company: Unlimited Sales, Inc
Country: USA
State: West Virginia
City: Morgantown
Address: 4005 Janice Drive
Phone: 3043812044
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High schoo girl came to house an said she was getting points for college. If she won she gets so much money for college. I never received my magazines and paid her in cash. Thought i was helping kids