Bad service

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I am an existing customer who purchased Grisof's antivirus with firewall (AVG) software for three computers at home (2 laptops and 1 desktop) However, many things where going on at the time; home remodeling, preparing for a trip out the country for a 20 day duration. Needless to say, I was extremely busy and overwhelmed. I did receive the antivirus software disc which was unopened until last night. When I put into one of our computers to install the software, soon enough a window popped up which asked for my license number. Apparently, I was supposed to receive this license numbr separately in an e-mail, but I do not have it.

The second part of this problem is very frustrating: Grisoft's website will not permit me to communicate with them also because I don't have the LICENSE NUMBER. This is very irrational and counter productive.

I hope that Grisoft will change what I and many others who have complained on the internet is virtually non-existent "customer support." We feel we paid our money for your product, but then we can't communicate with them: It's like they have a firewall against customers.

Presently, I am waiting to see if they will eventually respond to my problem.

Company: Grisoft
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
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