J D Marvel Products
Rip-off artists & scammed

Shops, Products, Services

I ordered 2 of the Clearvue Super Booster Indoor Mini Dish Tv/Fm Antennas on 09/22/02,

These Bastards cashed my money order on 10/02/02, and i still have not received anything,

It is now 01/16/03 (4 MONTHS LATER) and i still have not seen or heard anything concerning my order, they did manage to put me on their mailing list and send me a catalog.

Do these stupid S.O.B.'s think i would actually place another order, HA.

I filled out there order status inquiry report on 11/26/02 and still have not had a response.

I emailed them again on 12/07/02 and still have not had a response from them.

I called them on 12/10/02 and was told the items were on back order and would be shipped on 12/17/02 by an extremely rude customer service rep.

Well, it is now 01/16/03, and i still do not have my items, it is a good thing i dont live in chanplain new york or i would go to there place of business and stick my foot in some bodys ass!!!

Now when i call, the phone just rings busy all the time, somebody needs to put these scam artists out of business, if anybody has any ideas as to how to do this, please let me know.

Thank you,

Ripped off in North Carolina.

Company: J D Marvel Products
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlain
Address: Dept 721-109 Box 3270
Phone: 5144268715
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J.D. Marvel Products, Inc
J.D. Marvel Products ordered Clearvue Super Booster Indoor Mini-dish Antenna paid for months ago have not received it. Deceptive company ripoff scammed

J.D. Marvel Products Inc
J.D. Marvel Products Inc ripoff order not filled credit card charged no response Champlain NY

J.D. Marvel Products, Inc
J D Marvel Products Inc ripoff Took my money never sent Antennas lied to us victimized many consumers

J.D. Marvel Products Inc
J.D. Marvel Products Inc ripoff consumer fraud ClearVue Super Booster Indoor Mini-Dish TV/FM Antenna

J D Marvel Products
Ripoff of clearvue super booster indoor mini dish antenna many months waiting & no delivery but check was cashed victimized many consumers

J.D. Marvel Products Inc
J.D. Marvel Products ripoff dishless in NY Like so many others on this website no pkgs ever arrived swindlers

JD Marvel Products Inc
Ripoff, cashed check and haven't received products like so many others on this site

J.D. Marvel Products, Inc
JD Marvel Products Inc fraudulent ripoff business Champlain

JD Marvel Products Inc
JD Marvel Products Inc is a ripoff fraud business

J.D. Marvel Products, Inc
J.D. Marvel Products Inc ripoff