Career Network
Page Up Careers Job Fair Coordinato

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Indiana Company Agrees to Settle Charges of Misrepresenting Availability of U.S. Postal Service and Government Jobs

Career Network, Inc. (CNI), based in Crown Point, Indiana, and its principals, Walter Turulis and Kathleen Key, are permanently banned from promoting or selling any employment good or service as part of settlements with the Federal Trade addition, the settlement with CNI and Turulis requires them to pay a $25,000 April Kathleen Key entered into a settlement with the FTC that also required her to pay $25,000.

Http://www.ftc. Gov/opa/11/careernetwork. Shtm

Company: Career Network
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: PO Box 618305
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Career Networks Inc
FTC may have already had dealings with this company before

Employment Ace - Career Network
Ace Employment - Career Network. Email scam

Career Network, Inc
Bogus Company already fined by Federal Trade Commission

Career Network
Fake job website SCAM

Career Network, Inc., Latest Incarnation And
Career NetworkCareer Network, Inc., Latest Incarnation And misrepresentation, fraud, harm of my employment interest Internet

Careernetwork Inc
Careernetwork inc, deceptive practice

Career Network
Internet Company "I worked for them." RIPOFF!

Career Network, Inc
Career Network is a bogus company. They send emails about possible employment to people who are in desperate need of a job. So far, nothing has happend to me other than receiving the emails, but these are jobs that don't exist
Spoof Nationwide Employment agency — registered with State of FL as marketing firm

Career Network Bait and Switch