Idearc Media
AKA Verizon Automatic Renewal Harassment

Shops, Products, Services

Idearc did not follow the contract regarding automatic renewal. My contract specifically states that advertiser is responsible to call me to see if I want to change or renew advertising. Then, it states that if they cannot reach me by phone, that they will send a letter with a deadline date in it. It states that if I do not contact them by the date in the letter my advertising will be automatically renewed.

I never received a call or a letter with a deadline date. They admit that they did not call or send a letter. The only thing I ever got from idearc was a bill.

I refused to pay the bill. They sent me to collections, they put the unpaid bill on my credit report.

I contacted the ftc and they have opened a file. The ftc will take your complaint even if you are a business complaining against another business. If they get enough complaints about the business, they will open an investigation.

Please, everybody, call this number and take 10 minutes out of your time to call out this deceptive company.

Ftc complaint number 1-877-382-4357

Ftc mailing address:

Federal Trade Commission
Consumer Response Center
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20580

FTC WEB ADDRESS: http://www.ftc. Gov/ftc/contact. Shtm

My case is not a big deal, I don't even care that they're putting it on my credit because it can be explained and it is a small amount. But, thousands of small amounts add up and this company should not be allowed to get away with ripping people off. I see from reading here that they have many ripoff tactics and it's not just a few people complaining.

If we all get together and file a complaint with the FTC, someone will take notice and something will be done. Just because they're a humongous company doesn't mean the little guy can't fight and win against dirt.

Company: Idearc Media
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: DFW Airport
Address: PO Box 619818
Phone: 8005554833
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Idearc Media - Verizon Yellow Pages
Idearc Media - Superpages Automatic Renewal Ripoff!

Idearc Media
Typical "Automatic Renewal" tactic

Idearc Media
Rip off company

Idearc Media, Inc
Unethical business practices

Idearc Media
Automatic renewal

Idearc - Verizon Yellow Pages
Rip-Off Fraud Terrible Business Practices

Idearc Media
Failed to preform

Idearc Media, Aka IAR, Aka Idearc Inc
Falsely Accusing Me of Entering into a Contract for Online Advertising

Idarc - Verizon Superpages - Idearc Media Corporate Headquarters Will Not Cancel my Advertising and Just doubled my monthly bill without my authorization

Idearc Media
'Automatic Renewal?' "I don't think so, Tim!"