The Club At Spring Valley Apartments
Bad service

Shops, Products, Services

The apartment complex has a deal with Time Warner Cable that gets them money. So, they are not allowing the residents to choose the cable service they want by locking up the box for the connection and refusing access to the other cable companies. We asked for access so that we can choose the service that we want, but they are not relenting. We were not informed about any such rule when we signed the lease. I seriously believe that these actions are in violation of various state and federal monopoly and anti-trust laws.

Company: The Club At Spring Valley Apartments
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Miamisburg
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Time Warner
Time Warner in Manhattan forces consumers to rent cable boxes. Customers are unable to purchase their own cable boxes and must rent them from Time Warner. Cisco and Time Warner have a monopoly on the

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My landlord is trying to bill me for cable even though I'm already paying the cable company for service

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Time Warner Cable
Cable tv horrible service

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Time Warner Cable
Why do I have to pay a 38 dollar fee for cable I do not want in my apartment complex? - time warner cable

Time Warner Cable
Time Warner service is ALWAYS down and the LIE about service calls

Time Warner Cable

Time Warner Cable

Time Warner Cable
Fraud Department