Bad service

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I was a customer of bell's sympatico internet service from december to april. Had a one year contract originally and never renewed it, so my contract expired in december right?

In february I got my bill and it was DOUBLE the usual amount! (Well, got my bill is probably wrong seeing as bell canada refused to ever send me a bill, until march they said it was not possible to send me a bill since i only had the internet with them, insetead they took the money off my credit card)

When I called to find out why, I was made to wait for over half an hour, to find out that the plan I was on no longer existed, and that they had switched me automatically to a plan with 3gig of download for the price that I had been paying for unlimited, when I had gone over my new limit every month that I had the service!

The fee for the extra download was what changedmy bill. After calling several times, I was able to get one customer service agent to remove the extra fees, give me a comparable plan that I had before and some compensation money. At that point I decided to accept it, and that when I moved in april I would change providers.

When I contacted them on the internet in march to have my service cancelled, they wanted to charge me a 25$ DISACTIVATION fee! And, they said that it took 30 days to disactivate my service and that I would have to pay for the service during that time. I calmly told them that it wasnt happening, and that my service was to be cancelled the next day, and the reasons again why I was cancelling. I also told them that I was calling my bank and telling my bank to withhold all payments to them on my credit card pending my approuval. The charges were dropped and my account closed the very next day!:)

The following month, I got a bill for 100$, a cancellation fee. Even though I had no contract they tried the end, I was able to get a check from them in the amount of 126.75$, how htey came to that I have no idea, but since it is money that they gave me, I call it a mental duress fee that I charged them!

Bell canada is one of the most fraudulent companies I have ever delt with. To get my check, I had to wait 6 weeks, or talk to the refunds dept. When I asked to be talk to a manager or a supervisor, I was told that they had none working that day, and when I asked to be tranfered to the refund dept, they told me that that dept had no phone extention! A phone company htat has no managers, no supervisors and a dept with no phone service... What kind of idiots do they think their customers are to believe that!??

Company: Bell
Country: USA
State: California
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