Bottom Line Publications
Non-stop expensive subscription renewal without any confirmation and after complaints bolder colorado

Shops, Products, Services

I am sorry but I do not have time to complain about this company because I would be writing this report for months straight and I am going to be child-like and say that they are not worth my time. Plus, there are many other complaints written about the same problems I have experienced. Please read those complaints because they fit my problems perfectly and the exact (repeat, exact) same things happened to me.

Company: Bottom Line Publications
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Boulder
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Auto Computer Exchange, inc SCAM-STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY
Consumer Report

Paid for a product in Dec. 2007 still have not received Apr. 2008

DNA Publications
Ripoff from DNA Publications on a Kiss Magazine Subscription... Red Bank

The insane inability to deal with Ocwen!

Bottom Line Publishing
Bottom Line Books If You Buy a Book at Barnes & Noble Once, Should That Obligate You to Others!?

Coaching Department, Premier Mentoring
Consumer Report
Vault turned on my auto-renew without my authorization, charged me, refused to refund and stop replying. Natiownide

BottomLine Book Publications
Rip Off - Over Demanding - Coercing - Sent Books and Reports After told to stop and Books Returned Stating No More -Refused - Knock it off

Rude manage