Scam alert! Skipfon is a scam! They promise you can make unlimited international calls using your home phone or cellphone!

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Scam alert!!! Skipfon is a scam! They setup a website that is supposed to be a Bell telephone company, but does not exist. They promise you can make unlimited international calls using your home phone or cellphone! They promise that you do not need a phone service anymore like AT&T. That you just plug it in your existing line and it just works. AT&T who ownes nearly all the Bells now need to pay for those lines, so do you really think they would allow you to make international calls for free. The same goes for your cellphone provider, who is also in tthe business of making money. Those minutes are what they make their money on.

So for Skipfon to promise that you can make unlimited international calls through you cell phone without using your minutes is a lie. They set up a website and to back up the scam but these are website templates that you can't click on anything. Don't get scammed, you can't make calls on your cellphone without using your minutes, if you think you can than you are missed informed. These people are targeting Latin Americans who already don't know too much about scams here in the USA.

My fellow Latin Americans come to this country to better their lives and hopefully the lives of their families back home. The so called current customer testomonials that are played on TV are actors and people that work for the company which is owned by Soledad Martinez at 4500 Sabel Palm Road, Miami, FL 33137. Ms Martinez being a Latin American herself should be ashamed of praying on mis-educated Latin Americans. And I will be reporting this to the Attourney General, the Better Business Bureau and the FCC.

Company: Skipfon
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 4500 SABAL PALM RD
Phone: 8007547366
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Skipfon promise make international calls but this company is a lia

This company advertized in tv and Guarantees that the international call are free a big lie

Skipfon Llc 800-934-8395
They promise unlimitted international calls and its all a scam i was able to make a call but when i tried recharging the account the machine keeps saying there's a mistake

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Claritza abreu
"unlimited International calls" to good to be truth