Lady Of America Workout Express And National Fitness
Refuses to let me cancel my membership. They have lost all the correspondence sent to them by me since October Layton

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I signed a contract for 18 months on 4/26/05 to begin as of 6/1/05 in the workout express office browns mills, NJ.

In October I wrote requesting a cancellation of my contracts as of the end of my 18 months. I wrote to the Layton Utah address for National fitness which is where I was told to send my request. I spoke subsequently to a Cassidy and a Katie. SInce then they don't sign their names.

I was told that I had a 36 month contract on all the people I had enrolled. Well I knew one was 36months but my contracts on the other was l8 months.

When they wouldn't cancel my membership unless I had a form filled out by my doctor I decided to just pay the 36 months on everything. Which was a big mistake. TIme contraints kept me from getting doctors forms filled out.

On Octrober 28th 2006 I wrote a letter explaiing this and requesting that all memberships assosciated with me be cancelled as of 5/31.

The did not keep or file the letter and now they are saying that I owe them forom May of this year on and refuse to acknoledge that some one may have misplaced paperwork.

They write me threatening letters every week and add money to the total each time. They tell me they willinvestigate my claim and get back to me and they don't.

Every time I talk to aperson when I call back that person is not available and I get someone who says they are a "manager". But managers do not take calls according to their own employees.

I am at my wits end with this and really don't have the money to hire an attorney to handle all of this but I sure wish I did.

Their attitude is arrogant and impossible they are the only ones who are right and they figure that people like me don't have the time or resources to fight them.

If I ever get any extra money I will get a lwayer and fight this whole process.

Three employees here in the local gym quit because they were told to change the l8 months to 36 months without telling the client.

Also the experiation date onf my supposed l8 month contract is 08/08 and that is 39 months not 36 months.

I just hope somone will respond to these complaints and make these people accountable for their actions or put them out of business.

Company: Lady Of America Workout Express And National Fitness
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Ft. Lauderdale
Address: 500 East Broward Blvd
Phone: 6098933866
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