Specialty Merchandise Company -or - SMC
Ripoff! Always requesting more $ MIS-REPRESENTED BUSINESS AND PRODUCTS!

Shops, Products, Services

I bought a membership several years ago - at a tune of a few hundred dollars. I sold a few things on Ebay but never sold enough to make my money back or more. Everyone out there is selling the SAME products!

One time I asked SMC to change my website information because I moved and changed my address and phone number. They wanted to charge me for that. I told them to forget it. I could see them charging if I made a habit of wanting to change my information all the time but just ONCE? After paying my membership to them they want me to pay an annual membership fee. I thought that's what I just purchased!!!??? A MEMBERSHIP!

Evidently they do this because they know once they've roped you in and conned you that they won't get much money out of you by selling their products since no body really wants their trinkets and junk and because everybody is selling the same stuff already. Not to mention their outrageous S/H costs. It is always double or triple the actual purchase amount.

Anyway... BEWARE of SMC and stay away from them. Anyone doing a class action suit? Seems like there should be one for MIS-representation of their company and their products!!

Company: Specialty Merchandise Company -or - SMC
Country: USA
State: California
City: Simi Valley
Address: 996 Flower Glen Street
Phone: 8003454762
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