Youth Nutrition
Colon Lipo Misleading advertisements and over charging for products that are buried in fine print! Internet

Health & Medicine

I saw an ad online for colon lipo, trial offer for 7.95! Bought it, then also saw one for Acai lipo. They offered the same amount of each product for the same price. A week or so later I find 2 charges of $199 for a membership for this weightloss website!

I called to get a refund and they told me in the fine print it said I had 3 days to cancel the membership. Its nowhere to be seen on the site when you are making a purchase. It is done in such a way that they can claim they warned consumers cause its somewhere on the site, but its not obvious to the consumer. I was able to get 2 paments of $75 back, so a total of $150, but they kept $250 which is equivalent to charging me twice for the same membership!

I went to the website to see what exactly i bought and nothing! Theres nothing just links that have no end site. I have coupon to purchase stuff on a site called and theres no such site? So what did I pay for?

You know a company is untrustworthy when they don't provide all the information upfront. When you have to trick and deceive to get customers, you wont be around very long!!! Im hoeful that a class action suit will be taken against them and they get taken to the cleaners!!!

Company: Youth Nutrition
Country: USA
Phone: 18776192649
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Trytadaladafil YOUTH NUTRITION Acai Lipo and Colon Lipo I have being ripped off! Website

Acai Slimming Products
Youth nutrition 877-619-2649. Trytadaladafil YOUTH NUTRITION Acai Lipo and Colon Lipo Internet LONDON

Youth Nutrition
Acai Lipo, Colon Lipo STOLE MY MONEY!

Youth Nutrition
Trytadalafil, Acai Lipo, Colon Lipo Rip-Off

Acai Lipo/Colon Lipo

Lipo Slim
Consumer Report

Youth nutrition
Coolon lip youth Nutrition have charged me three times in my account three different charges in one day when they said my card was not excepted. They charge me $114.55 which is 76.47 from my account when in the

Youth Nutrition
Free trial Acai Berry Lipo Trial that was supposed to cost just over 14.00 cost me 250.00!

Youth Nutrition
Acai lipo this is a scam do not order. Your account will be charged $99.75 x 2 one for colon cleanse and one for acai 5 days after you order on the internet

Life. YOUTH NUTRITION, COLON CLEANSER, offer colon cleanse trials but they trick you with a membership do not answer calls