Staff Pro
Staff Pro refused to goto National Arbitration

Shops, Products, Services

My case involves a Security firm who contracted with the City of Tacoma this was about 5 plus years ago. The case# is was FA0311000211936. We were made to sign a Homeland security piece of paper. I cited numerous public safety concerns twice to the company and was fired. I checked my job reference with paid 50 dollars and the company closed and it was noted that my files were turned over to the Department of Justice indicated in letter.

Mr Sunshine
The hague, Washington

Company: Staff Pro
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Tacoma
Address: 2727 East D Street
Phone: 2535937652
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Equifax - Experian
Refusito goto Arbitration

United States Government
Homeland security facility Why is it that under the guise of homeland security the United States has the right to trear citizens of the US with ties to undocumented aliens with total disrespect and disregaurd

Trans Union NCI Correspondence
Trans Union and NCI Correspondence refusing arbitration

National Arbitration Forum refused Arbitration disconnected their Consumer legal affair phone

HomeLand Security
I found the complaint I filed in my son's High School Files, Abili-staff,, Equitron, Jobs For Moms, Money From Home, Abili-staff And Many, Equitron, Jobs For Moms, I paid 39.95 to find legitimate work at home and got reminded that the world revolves around education

ICDC College Hollywood
False hopes, Teachers change, low paying jobs they find you if they do, Very unclear on loan process etc

Refusing to goto Arbitration will not respond turning fraudlent bill to collection agencys

John Bales Attorneys
Hire people - then fire them for no reason = terrible client relations

Icdc College
They didnt tell me that in order to work for homeland security i had to be a u. S citizen im only a resident!