Swift Transportation
Destroyed my drivers record and was told to quit by the Safety Department

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I have been a loyal and hard working driver for Swift Trans portation for four years now. I work in the hardest part of the country (north east region). I do a good job and I am a very careful driver. I have seen alot of good poeple get screwed by Swift, and I thought that because I have a good education that nothing real bad would get past me that would hurt my job or my driving record. Well let me tell you. The Swift Transportation Safety Department screwed me good. And I got told by their representitive Larry Barrons that I should quit.

Now keep in mind that for four years I have never been late. I have never had a bad driver reveiw.in fact, I haven't had any serious problems. This poor excuse of a human being single handedly ruined my driving record. It has recntly been brought to my attention that he has charged me with three Preventable Accidents.in the truck drivers world, this is about the worst thing that can happen to you. Your record follows you everywhere. When I cought wind of this I immeditately got on the phone and tried to get things straightened out. Well good old Larry made it very clear to me that he didn't care. The charge against me was not going to be fixed and in fact it wasn't even going to be investigated to find out what exactly happened. He had no intrest in even hearing my side of it.

It was at that time I realized what kind of people this company promotes. Larry then went on to tell me that I not only am a bad driver, but I am also a bad employee and that I should turn in my keys and go to work somewhere else. This is not the most professional way to approach a problem like this. Especially when the driver your dealing with isn't the type to roll over and take it. I told Larry Barrons that I have never had a bad reveiw and could prove it. Luckily for me I have one of the best driver managers in the buisness. And he can vouch for all this.

So drivers, whatch your records. Check them offen. Even if you haven't had anything happen. Because you never know who might be in control of your career future.

Johnstown, New York

Swift World Headquarters Phoenix Arizona

Company: Swift Transportation
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Phone: 8008002200
Site: www.swifttrans.com
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