Consumer Credit Services Of America
Class action lawsuit in progress miami beach, fl 33141

Shops, Products, Services

I was almost caught up in this scam as well. I sent in my $195 to Mr. Bohl in Aug. After no response on emails or phone contact, I thought on it a minute on how I could get this "Mr. Bohl" on the phone. I applied my thought, and it worked!!! I got him on the phone and got my bankruptcy papers emailed to me. They were good in the state of VA and I have successfully filed and been discharged on a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. My bankruptcy case was heard in Nov 06 and I was discharged on ALL FILED DEBTS in Jan 07. I personally have my discharge papers in hand since that date. My credit is current in good standards. *FYI to those who have been scammed - You have to KNOW THE GAME IN ORDER TO PLAY THE GAME!!! Contact me to find out how to get either your funds back or get your papers into the BANKRUPTCY COURTS LEGALLY!!! It worked for me.

Company: Consumer Credit Services Of America
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami Beach
Address: 2750 Race Track Road
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