Charter Cable

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Dear Charter Cable,

I have once again had my cable-man appointment canceled once again my wife has taken off work early to be home for the cable guy to come. Once again someone at Charter canceled my appointment

If this was the second time I would not be sending this complaint, however this is not the second time..
It is the 7th time one of us has taken off work to be here to have your people help us fix our cable service.
My area was upgraded in September to digital. Until that time I did not need any cable boxes for my home.

After September I had to have a box for each TV. From the time of the upgrade I have had nothing but problems from Charter Cable. Please allow me to revue them in order:

1. I have had fourteen (14) cable boxes.

2. Most of the channels don't show half the time.

3. We cant buy any PPV's. Not one! But I find billing for PPV's we wanted to order but cant get, on my bill.

4. Your Cable-guys "FLAT-OUT LIE" about meeting my appointments. (I have also taken off work to be home for them and they report to there dispatcher that they came to my home and fixed my problems. When nothing like that ever happened!)

5. I have rewired my home cable wiring. (one of your cable guys came to my home and rewired it top to bottom. I had to help him because he was alone and we worked until 11:15 P.M. But before and after the rewiring, the signal was read by your cable-guy, He stated that "the signal was very high and there was no need to rewire my home).

6. Charter Cable does not make appointments in my area after 5:30 P.M.! They just wont come after 5:30 P.M. I and my wife both have jobs and to be home before 5:30 P.M. One of us must take off work. (but even when we talk off our jobs to be here YOUR CABLE-GUYS DONT SHOW UP!)

7. I have a cable box that is "fried" and after seeing how your contractor cable guys handle the boxes
they take back (He just dropped them into the bed of his truck on a rainy night with about 20 others.) I understand why. This Box only reads on it's face "E-07". After talking to Mike (service Birmingham Alabama area) I find that means this box is no good and should be replaced. I cant go to your office and replace the box because that is not allowed. So we make another appointment for tonight at 4:30 P.M.

So I must have a Cable-Guy to come out and replace the box, but they don't come out after 5:30 P.M.
We cant keep talking off work to meet a Cable-Guy that wont even come out after I lose work to meet him!

But the reason for this letter is Service Rep. "Juanita I.D. 948 Birmingham Office". After tonight's
appointment with no cable-guy showing up, I call to find out why. I reach "Juanita". I find her overbearing and short with me. I try to explain that once again my appointment has been canceled.

She wants me to reconnect the bad box to the system so see can "HIT-IT" again. I try to explain
that I have already been over this ground and it has been determined that it must be replaced. However she continued to cut me off when I tried to explain to her that it has already been done.

All I wanted was to know why the cable guy did not show up. After my wife took off work to be here and when could we get another cable guy to come. She tells me that I cant get an appointment before 12/1/02 and I will be charged a service charge for this callI try to explain that in my area when Charter Upgraded this area all the boxes were free and Charter had never made all my boxes work in the first place. But as I stated before, Juanita 948 would not let me even finish one sentence. She was very short and talked over me when I tried to explain my problems. Even after I asked her to let me talk before she cut in she continued to not allow me to state my case.

I find her rude and ugly and believe she is of no help to your customers in my area. Because I can't contact a supervisor in my area office to state my problems and can find no help anywhere I am sending this letter in the hope that someone in Charter Cable wants your customers needs addressed. How can Charter stay in business with this kind of service?

If Charter had to face an open market where your customers could find another service I believe your C.E.O. S would be in a jail cell next to ENRON's C.E. Os. Forgive me for my feelings but I am at my wits end! I cant get anyone to come to my home. I cant talk to your service reps. Because they wont listen to me about my problems.

There must be someone at Charter who cares. I was angry in the beginning but now I only wish someone would come to my aid! You have won sirs! I understand I am powerless to make you do what is fair but can you, in your black little hearts see you give me what you promised?

Ph: 205-*
* * *
Bessemer, Alabama 35022

Bessemer, Alabama

Company: Charter Cable
Country: USA
State: Alabama
City: Bessrmer
Phone: 2057338778
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