Universal Gas & Electric Corp
Door to door Robbery!

Shops, Products, Services

These crooks lied and trapped me into a five year contract. I have been trying to cancel them all winter! But they demand a $250 fee for that privlege! Do they expect a bonus for ripping us off? They promised me the lowest heating gas prices and that it would never be more than what Consumer Energy charges. They said they got their gas at a discount and would pass that discount onto us - that all my niegbors were signing up and I better hurry too before the prices went up again! I was so lucky they caught me in my drive way as I was leaving! Then they called me on my cell phone to confirm I would be getting the lowest market cost for the gas to my home.

If anyone comes to your door asking to see your heat bill ask them to wait while you call the police. They double & triple your bill and say Na na na you should of read the contract! (I got the contract in the mail two weeks later) By the time you get your first heat bill from them it is too late to get rid of them! We need a lawyer to file a class action suit against these lieing crooks!

Warning Do Not Get Trapped by Universal Gas & Electric Corp. They call it a Protection plan!!! It only protects their entrapment, they know how to legally trap consumers forcing us to pay outragous fees! They are highly trained to entrap you and once they get your money they won't talk to you!

Flint, Michigan

Company: Universal Gas & Electric Corp
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Burton/Flint
Site: universalgasand electriccorp.com
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Universal Gas & Electric Corpo
Consumer Protection Program / Entrapment / Misleading

Universal gas and electric
They ripped me off

Universal Gas and Electric Corp
Just Energy The Company did cheat me!

Universal Gas And Electric Corp
Hidden cancellation fees

Universal Gas & Electric Corporation
Misled me on gas prices soaring and being able to cancel at anytime

Universal Gas & Electric Corp

Universal Gas & Electric Corporation
Universal Gas Bogus Company Univeral Gas & Electric rips off you and the gas company

Ohio Energy Program Llc
Door 2 Doo

Universal Gas & Electric
Misrepresented Contract at time of signing

Universal Gas & Electric
Universal Gas and Electric did disclose early termination fees as we signed up