Universal Gas And Electric Corp
Hidden cancellation fees

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This company sends people to your door, they scare you into using their company saying— that with the price of gas going up, that your consumer energy will go up 250% with 6 months. Then when you sign up, you get a call to verify the address and the person was there. Then you get a bunch of fine print papers in the mail, which I don't know how many people actually read them. Then come to find out you next winter bill is over $300.00 Yes, that right, my gas bill is $300.00. Would have only been $235.00 had I stayed with consumer energy. Then get this one - I call to cancel them, and get told that I signed a "5" Yr. Contract and if I cancel will have to pay a cancellation fee& $250.00 * If that ain't some crap. So I figured it out, I have had them since 7-07 it has cost me 326.00 more in 6 months for them, then if I had stayed with consumers energy. And NOW it is going to cost me another $250.00 to get rid of them. Now to top it off, go on the web site, and there is NO MENTION of any disconnect fee. Wonder why, because that is the most outragious amount. My cell phone will only charge me 175.00 to disconnect. Let's get for real here. Oh, and the good one. Online states that if there is a decrease in the price of gas, I can contact them and change my rate, but only if it is within 90 days of renewal, and guess what... That will extend my contract another *5* years. Got you coming and going... Beware!!!

Company: Universal Gas And Electric Corp
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Southfield
Site: www.universalgasandelectric.com
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Universal gas and electric
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Universal Gas & Electric Corporation
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Universal Gas & Electric Corp
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