Ferrar Moving Company
This company is a shady unprofessional illigitmate ripoff company trying to scam through ambigous and absent wieght reciepts, etc

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This company Ferari moving was subcontracted through United vanlies of texs (without my nowledge) to move me across country. They shoed up at 10:30p. M instead of 10:30a. M as was sceduled. They did not provide proof of weight of the trucs contents with other peoples belongings nor did they secure thosepeople's belogings. Tey spent the first tirty minutes with the only to drivers in a rente dpense tuc rearranging feebly to mae room for an entire huehld furnisings that would never fit. They (the movers) had n uniforms on, no name tags to identify them.

Whe they finaly emerged from the truc they resented me with a contract other tha the one I had signed with Unted. Trying to get me to sgn the waiver for 60 cents for ech pound over the wieght liit but their was n wieght reciept to prove what the truc weihed befre. The driver did not even now the town he was in or the moving destination I was moving to!!!

When my husband and I started asing serious wuestions about hw we would know with any accuracy the weight and cost they put their boss "BBBy" o the phone and he became so irate, he refused to move me (which I was glad to heara and told hime so). The drivers hwever refused to leave my driveway, the plice had to be called nd this all transpired a 11:45p. M at night!

Pleas do not go with United Vanlines of texas or ferarri moving. They show u late nowig you have deadlines and might e willing to go ahead a sighn something that will end u costig you not oly your money but perhaps your belongs as well. After my daughter pulled up their blog of complaints while the drivers at outside in their truc I new I had made the right decision not to use them. The police made them leave. No legitimate company moves a persons hme at 1130p. M

United Vanlines still has not refunded the 533.20 depsit for this move though the drivers did not move a sigle box ad their own boss said he refuse to move me. United Valines f Texas has not responded to mu numerous e-mails, hone calss to customer sevice etc. I have filed a bbb complaint for both of these companies. Please beware of these people. They are unscrupulous and threatening.

Company: Ferrar Moving Company
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Ft. Lauderdale
Address: 6245 Powerline Road Suite 202
Phone: 3214435512
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