Best Buy
They do not deliver when promised and they don't take care of their installation mistakes

Shops, Products, Services

I purchased a front loading washer and dryer paying over $2000. It was order and I was promised delivery on Sat Apr 6. Apr 6 turned out to be a Sunday not Saturday. I accepted this time the day before it was suppose to be delivered. They called and gave me a time for delivery. A few hours later they called again and told me my washer was delivered to another person and they would have to order me another one. I already waited over 2 weeks now I was going to have to wait a least another week. I finally received a call, almost 1 month after ordering and paying, they would deliver on Sunday 13 Apr 08. The delivery and installation was completed. I started a load of white clothing put in the bleach and detergent, pushed the start button and the machine wouldn't let the water in. I called Best Buy, I spent all morning being switched from department to depart on an unfriendly phone system. The "wrong" department would give me the extension number of the department I needed but no name. The operator would refuse to transfer me to an extension number, they had to have a "name" and insisted on knowing what I wanted, then transferring me back to the same wrong department who couldn't transfer me and told me I had to call back. A full load of white clothing is ruined with holes from bleach and the store I bought it from told me they weren't responsible for loses. When I called back to the Golden store in the evening, I asked for a manager, none were available. I told the person who answered, her name was Sandy, that I was going to put my complaint on the Internet and she end the conversation with "you have a great F% evening and hung up. This company has given me the worst service I have ever had and is not welling to do anything to keep a custome.

Company: Best Buy
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Golden
Address: 1400 Denver West Blvd
Phone: 3032735617
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Sears - Kenmore front loading washer/drye


Charging for item not received

COMPLAINT - Kenmore Washe
Beware of improper installation

Room Store Furniture
Worst Customer Service ever, poor delivery, busted furniture, damaged home

Sears fails - Delivery/customer service

Disgusting service

Ripoff—warranty issue

I am terribly disappointed