Identity Theft Protection - Idprocs
ID Theft Protection - Idprocs charged me three consecutive months, when I asked for a supervisor left me on hold for over 30-minutes twice on phone and online

Shops, Products, Services

I realized this month that I was charged $31.98 by the company It was my first time ever hearing of the name. My bank gave me their name and phone number. I first contacted them via Live-Chat. The only thing they kept saying was that it was non-refundable and that they'd cancelled my account (that day). I thanked them and told them that I didn't want the service to begin with. They say I signed up w/a payday loan provider in January. I told them that I cancelled everything (or at least I thought I had) with that company when they told me that I wasn't approved for a loan. I honestly didn't know I'd signed up for this then (I was only applying for loans-nothing else). I come to find out that they are affilliated with them but have to be cancelled separately. I told them that if I'd known that I would have cancelled then-not now. It doesn't make sense to sign up for something to be taken out monthly if I'm applying for emergency money... I asked for a supervisor to no avail. They finally gave me the toll-free number. I called it and they said the same thing about the fees being non-refundable. I told them that I know the protocol but that I know that a supervisor can help me. She told me to please hold... I held for over 30-minutes and finally hung up. I called back and the same person (I believe) answered and said that the supervisor had 3 people holding and that I'd have to wait. I tried to leave my number for them to call me back. She said that they CAN'T call back. They only have incoming calls. I waited another 30 minutes to no avail. (They do have nice music while waiting.)
I tried once more to reach them today via Live-Chat. "Amy" says 'Hi, how may I help you?' I answered and waited, and waited and waited... Nothing—not even a 'please hold' or 'one moment, please'... I have been more than patient and courteous with these people. I just want my money back. It doesn't total any more than $100 but I didn't want (at any time) their services and I don't think it's fair for me to have to pay for them.

Greensboro, North Carolina

Company: Identity Theft Protection - Idprocs
Country: USA
Phone: 8668861277
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ID Theft Protection
ID theft protection 8668861277 10302084 Web Id: 841618288 WEB ID: 841618288 I did an online loan with another comany & I was automatically enrolled in identity theft by They (ID Procs) debitted $31.98 from my account Internet

Identity Theft Protection Plan And Identity Theft Support
Unsolicited debit from account via ACH for 31.98 for a service I DID NOT ORDER! Refuse to credit -National Internet Company -National Internet Company

Identity Theft Protection - ID Theft Protection - Last Chance Cash Advanced - - TrifectaCard
Identity Theft Protection - ID Theft Protection/Last Chance Cash Advance/ ID theft unautorized debit out of my checking account

CCS - First National Card
Yeah Right! Ripoff

The worst service ever... - Freeze

Last Chance Payday Loan
This company steals money! They took $31.98 straight out of my bank!

GNS / Slimbody
Didn't received all I was billed for. Supervisor would not call back until 30 days to sent product back was up
Beware this company

Ripoff fraud unauthorized charges to credit card