Geeks On Steroids
Geeks on steroids totally ripped me off! Internet

Shops, Products, Services

I contacted Geeks On Steroids to help me build a website. I put down $300 as an initial part of my payment, and I still have nothing to show for it. It's been well over 8 months now and the website has not even started in its initial stages. When I contact the company to question them about it's slow progress, all I get are excuses and then get switched from one web designer to another.

After not seeing any progress, I tried to contact Janeth (owner) several times for a refund. I explained that I was tired of waiting, yet still no answer in regards to this. It appears they are more than willing to contact you when they want an initial payment, but refuse to answer when you're not satisfied and requesting a refund for a project that was never delivered.

I paid for a site that was never delivered to me as promised. I waited an ample amount of time for this to be designed, so I feel like a refund is fairly just in this case. This company comes across as being honest and reliable, but I've been definitely shown otherwise. If you are thinking about putting down an initial payment with this company, I strongly advise against it. I'm out $300 now, and to think... This wasn't even close to the full amount. Save yourself some time and money and keep clear of dealing with this company.

Company: Geeks On Steroids
Country: Colombia
State: Nationwide
Phone: 4044197687
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Geeks On Steroids
Not Delivering As Promised Company is rip off, took our money, do not have a website. Columbia

Geeks On Steroids
Janeth ripoff took 250.00 for website design, never built site, never returned money, Columbia internet

Geeks On Steroids. Janeth
Geeks on steroids took me for 2000.00. Needs shutting Down!

Geeks On Steroids
They took my downpayment and I have nothing to show for it! Scammers! Montenegro Quindio

Geeks On Steroids. Janeth
We too experienced issues with this company. We called, asked for a website to be built and initially, they were all over it. Received a "mock up" within about 3 days but it was horrible

Geeks Home and Office
Won't pay me for hours worked

Geeks Home and Office
See all those other unpaid techs? Think it must have been a fluke? Think again.internet,,, is a SCAM! They ripped me off $400!

Computer Geeks
Ipoff - refusing a full refund for defective product "legit" steroids on line