Geeks On Steroids. Janeth
Geeks on steroids took me for 2000.00. Needs shutting Down!

Internet & Web

I paid Geeks on Steroids 2000.00 up front. I know I know BAD MISTAKE. But in my defense i wanted to pay while I had the money. Before hubby spent it.

Anyway... I mainly did business with Janeths husband Greg. He promised me a site that would be finished in six weeks.

To make a long story short. They half way built a site that was never finished and wasnt anything like I had asked for.

After numerous emails... Begging... Etc. I finally (after almost a year later) have finally given up.

I was told point blank that I wasnt getting a refund and that the site was finished.

Byer beware. If you are located in the United States. There is nothing you can do unless your rich and can fly to Colombia.
Learn from my mistakes and dont hire a company outside of the United States.

This Company needs shutting down. They are Scammers.

Company: Geeks On Steroids. Janeth
Country: Colombia
Phone: 4044197687
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Geeks On Steroids
Not Delivering As Promised Company is rip off, took our money, do not have a website. Columbia

Geeks On Steroids
Janeth ripoff took 250.00 for website design, never built site, never returned money, Columbia internet

Geeks On Steroids
They took my downpayment and I have nothing to show for it! Scammers! Montenegro Quindio

Geeks On Steroids
Geeks on steroids totally ripped me off! Internet
The product was not what was described on the site

Geeks On Steroids
On 5/23 I paid half 275.00 for web site as of 8/9 I dont have site or a refund Ripoff Colomba

Geeks On Steroids. Janeth
We too experienced issues with this company. We called, asked for a website to be built and initially, they were all over it. Received a "mock up" within about 3 days but it was horrible "legit" steroids on line

Steroids Pharmacy