GE Zurich & Circuit City
Extendend Warranties rip-off False Advertisement Tatics Company Wide in Extended Warranty selling practices

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Listen or better said, please read carefully.

This site is ONLY helpful, if the aggravated parties join hands. You cannot come here and just blast off. A plan needs to be devised to ensure, due compensation and corrective measures are taken.

It is true, and NOT a false statement or a false accusation, to say that GE-Zurich has deceived thousands, if not millions of individuals. However it will remain INDIVIDUALISTIC until we all band together, as ONE MIND, and 1 cause. That cause CAN NOT be to get rich off of their lies in a suit simply for money. We must band together, to prove that we are not an isolated incident. An isolated sore are we, as long as we have separate stories to email.

Instead we need unity, to defeat the liar, at least to make the thief confess, and change, or end up in George Bush's corporate Fraud scope. (JAIL) (Bankrupt from class actions Suits), or Multiple individual suits)

I will pause to say this: IF YOU WORK FOR THE "ACCUSED", then please be aware, I am NOT HERE to argue, or to complain, nor will I respond to you.

I will garner FACTS, share FACTS, and research opinions. I have INSIDE information, and will share it. NEVER CAN YOU require a person, (especially one whom no longer works for you), never can you and your SO DEDICATED LEGAL advisers get your employees to sign any document to not release information, information from EXPERIENECE, we do not need your private information, their is enough personal information from consumers and from decent employees and former employees of Circuit City and GE-Zurich and the former National TechTeam. AND NOTE: My inside contacts WILL IMMEDIATELY inform us of any such possible moves.

Your exposure will be made known, well beyond this frugal site.

NOW BACK to the Fraud Victims

Unfortunate it is true, that the ACTUAL written warranty contract, states that the store (Circuit City) and the Service Provider (Ge-Zurch) hold no responsibility toward what their sales reps say or do, or even what the repairman does, except towards regards in damage. HOWEVER, do NOT EVER IGNORE the PROVISIONS of Your STATE.
NO CONTRACT, whom so ever services it, CAN EVER supercede state protected rights. Never... Never... Read your contract. Ask for a contract copy, which is another story. (Soon we will provide a copy HERE for you, seeing the providers and their affiliates are hard pressed in giving you a copy, which is their LEGAL obligation to prompt do so. But without knowledge and UNITY will fail.


Working for this company, and servicing this contract for consumers has brought several points to our attention:

(1) Consumers are being misinformed by Circuit City Reps AND due to this dis-information company wide practice; consumers are GUIDED into making a decision based on lies. NOTE: If this happens to 20 - 30 people, which can easily be dismissed as negligence on the consumer. But when you have several thousand, consumers saying the exact same thing, not fabricated, but factual, then we HAVE A BUSINESS PRACTICE, that is contrary to ALL consumer LAW.
The evidence is there, I have it, and it is happening to this very date.

(2) Various state provision are afforded to us, if you are ignorant of the actual WORDS in the exclusions and state provisional section, you are with out knowledge.
READ IT... It has more help than you think.

(3) THIS Ridiculous issue of USING refurbished parts (a nice name to broken stuff, partly fixed), and having the just installed item to fail sooner than the original does is absolutely absurd. However the warranty does state they have the ' sole discretion to do so ', yet the LAW GIVES THEN NO DISCREETION to produce anguish and turmoil that could have been avoided, or resolve in a more appropriate manner,

Currently consumers are having MORE down time than use time. READ YOUR CONTRACT, it has LEGAL BINDING obligations for the service provider. Also when we reveal to the public and the courts, that these are not a isolated occurrences, but it will be established as practice, regardless if the head office had knowledge, it will then be negligence on the corporate office for not creating a remedy that would show the collective information toward many aggrieved consumers, indicating a pattern in the complaints, relating to the misrepresentation of contractual sales.

Note Consumers: IT IS ONLY IN THE CORPORATE INTEREST, to sale a contract ranging from $40-$400, and bank the money for a return on the deposited money.

Understand, if they only sold 400 contracts on any given DAY with misleading sales tactics, that's an instant $40,000 to $400,000 on those sales. And if those consumers never called, well that's profit. And if all 400 called with a issue that TOLD to them that would be covered, seeing they WERE NOT GIVEN A CONTARCT TO READ @ Purchase or EVEN within 10days or really NEVER, then they would not have known that the Rep LIED, legal terms, gave misleading information that led to the consideration/purchase of a product or service, that were not actual included in or with the items sold or considered. The SAD part is these 400 consumers live scattered over the United States, and their voices will never mount to anything, but at best a company Mgr with pity, and a conscious whom honors it IN STORE only. Meaning the store eats it, and services them. YET if these people KNEW EACH OTHER, and told the appropriate governing bodies, then a change WOULD take place.

People make a voice.

Warning: NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER ever put your case number on this or ANY other web site. The case number GE or this warranty company provided. NEVER do it, or do it again. That gives the Enron's the ability to delete/change / alters you current file, which can be summoned in the court of law.

Never do it... Please tell all you know, to never ever do it, ever.

Its nice too share, but the enemy is not about sharing, remember, that's why you are here, they would not share their profits, by fixing you system (s) with the profit off the interest they made off your purchase. Do not be ignorant, they DO NOT MAKE MONEY OF YOUR SALES ALONE, they bank on the interest. Even if you cancel your contract within 5 days of buying, remember the example above, $400,000 interest from a 1-day sale, banks on interest. BUT various states are not IGNORANT of this, the fore certain states REQUIRE the provider to PAY YOU INTEREST, if they FAIL to provide a refund in a certain amount of time. (And though that time is short, they still can make profit until you cash the check) corruption is widespread, under the name, for profit.

Lets talk.

If this site permits my email to be share, then use it:
Make sure you get names or whom you talk to.
Make sure you call and get ALL your case numbers, and dates. NOTE: DO NOT call and ask for them all @ once. Call on varied occasions and get 1 or 2,1 is best @ a time. I fear a soon company letter, informing employees not to give anyone their own case number if its not related to current issue. Foolish. Please inform me if that happens.

Lawyers, consumers and related affected person (s), I will not say or write anything that would be slander or misleading. All information that I have shared, and currently have, is accumulated in an honest attempt to expose a system of fraud, which can easily be corrected. The store is trying to correct it, by actual rewording the paper contract, to include language that will protect them. Which is legal. But the beauty of the Law is, if you know it, then you are atop, if you know it not, then you will be disenfranchised through that ignorance. The law is actually good.

Nashville, Tennessee

Company: GE Zurich & Circuit City
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: PO Box 551726
Phone: 5005554615
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