My Freshness
Tracking Number Hoax

Shops, Products, Services

I ordered a pair of sneakers from this company. Everyting seem legit because they use Google checkout. When I received my conformaton email to let me know where my product was it notified me of its where abouts. After a couple of days I checked again and it gave me the same location. It has been about 19 days now and still the product has the same location. I filed for a refund through the company and also Google. THe company notified me that they give a refund and that it should go through in about 24-48 hours. Its has been 4 days now and still nothing. I contacted Google and notified tem of the situation. Google sent me an email notifiing me that they wll notify the company help assist with the matter.

Company: My Freshness
Country: USA
State: California
City: Long Beach
Address: 6285 E. Spring St. Suite 310
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Consumer Report

Google is worst

Google Checkout
Consumer Report
Consumer Report and Google Wallet
Consumer Report

Fresh Chocodiles
Ordered Chocodiles, Never Received, No Refund, No Contact - RIP OFF

Google Checkout
Consumer Report

SSGT Doug Graham
Consumer Report

Google Checkout
Consumer Report /
Consumer Report