Irresistible Tiny Treasures
Wanita spears - nita rhinehart - - simply gorgeous yorkies - diamonds in the ruff iresistible tiny treasures now diamonds in the ruff and steal lies lies and more lies! Theif! Beware! Saucier, gulfport

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Just want to let everyone know that Wanita Spears aka. Jan Rinehart, Nita, Janice, Kristi Tillman, Irresistible tiny treasures, Simply gorgeous Yorkies, has again changed her name and web address to Tiny Diamonds-in-the Ruff!" She is still ripping people off and still has yet to pay me my money back! She owes me $2500.00 back for the purchase of a sick female she bred and sent me after she lied and played her games that she loves to play to make people feel sorry for her. The story I got at the time was "her husband died in a tractor trailer accident and she had to sell all her dogs because she had to move!

THIS WAS A HUGE LIE! She is not and was not even married! I am going to Mississippi and having her arrested for fraud, forgery and a slew of other charges! I bought a dog from Nita whom was sick from the day I brought her home and was supposed to have been bred and pregnant. Well she was bred alright... With a Pyometra and not knowing this and it never being disclosed, the dog never ended up being pregnant and had a full year of treatments on high doses of Antibiotics before the Pyometra erupted fully.

I had to have an emergency surgery performed on Fanci and have her spayed. The dog literally clung to life for 11 days following this operation! She did recover and she is still here with me. I contacted this wicked woman and she assured me she was sending the money for her purchase back to me. I have heard any and everything a person could bear to swallow with her drama and BULLcrap! She is a sick sick woman who says horrible things about her family members!

I do not believe a word she says and of course you can not call her because she changes her phone number as often as she changes her name and that is alot! Here is one of the many emails sent to me from her. Dawn.
If you would read it says. Automatic Reply.
I did NOT send this to you. It goes out to everyone.
I dont care anymore what you believe. I will however Pray for you as you are a sick woman and a hate filled person. I am sorry that you are so angry, I truly am. As I said you do what you wish. But I am NO lier or theif. Yes people sent me money and I owe them but it is because of them stopping their sales. I did not steal from anyone. I offered you everything possiable to make you happy. (you refused a replacement dog and payments). So sure we can go to court. And, I do abide by the commandments and will forgive you for the things you say
.. But Dawn you are wrong and you dont know ME. That is all I will say.
Nita She never offered me a replacement dog and I would never buy a stuffed animal from her after what I have been through with her animals! I assure you that if you want a sick or wrong registered dog you are in the right place! If you want an ethical breeder find one elsewhere because she is totally a crap! I know she is a thief, liar and trys to get sympathy from others with her pathetic lies about her own family members! SICK for sure.

I assure you that she has done nothing more than stress the hell out of me and lie and lie and lie some more! DO not believe her ever and do your homework before you ever think of contacting her. Check with the local authorities there in her town and call the Mississippi Attorney Generals office and ask about her or any of her alibis. It will scare the hell out of any normal hard working individual. Bottom line here is this.

If you want to throw your money away and never get a puppy or get one that has the wrong papers sent with it and forged documents or a very sick animal, do not walk but Run from this person! She is NO good at all! She will try to do anything to try to make you feel sorry for her. Do not believe her. Its all a lie!

Company: Irresistible Tiny Treasures
Country: USA
State: Mississippi
City: Saucier
Phone: 2288324050
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Irresistible Tiny Treasures
Simply Gorgeous Yorkies - Waunita Spears Tiny Treasures Lies and more Lies SAUCIER GULFPORT

IRRESISTIBLE TINY TREASURES, Simply Gorgeous Yorkies, Waunita Spears, Tiny Treasures
Lies and more Lies SAUCIER, GULFPORT

Waunita Spears Tiny Darlings / Irresistible Tiny Treasures
Waunita Spears Tiny Darlings / Irresistable Tiny Treasures, To date Waunita NOW "NIta" has given me 200.00 out of 3000.00. I am in process of contacting the district attorney to show her admission of guilt I am not going to let her get away with this

Janice Waunita Spears Reinhart
Irresistible Tiny Treasures I payed for 2 pups and only got one and it has been 2 years and always an excuse

Tiny Irresistable Treasures - Tiny Treasure Wanita Spears
Tiny Irresistable Treasures Or Tiny Treasure Wanita Spears RIPPED ME OFF FOR A YORKIE PUPPY SAUCIER, GULFPORT MISSISSIPPI

Irresistible Tiny Treasures, Wuanita Rinehart Spears
Irresistible tiny treasures, Wuanita Janice Rinehart Spears is a Scam Artist Stole $3,500 from me and disappeared. Dont fall into her Evil lies and traps. Gulf Port Louisiana

Irresistible Tiny Treasures
Waunita is a scam artist she steals people's money, she references GOD on her website but is a hypocrite. Ripoff, gulfport

Still Waiting
Still Waiting... Irreisistible Tiny Treasures, Tiny Darlings, ITT, Waunita, Nita... Wow, Ripoff

IRRESISTIBLE TINY TREASURES, Simply Gorgeous Yorkies, Waunita Spears, Tiny Treasures
Diamonds in the Ruff Sold inferior pup to us. She offered to take it back, so we took it to her and she has never refunded our money in over two years

Iresistible Tiny Treasures
Ripoff scammm